Business Exit: Quality Management System Benefits

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A Quality Management System (QMS) approach is regularly considered as part of a business Exit Strategy, when preparing for succession planning, a sale or merger.   A Quality Management System can enhance the value of a business, by demonstrating ‘A System Runs the Business and the People Run the System.’  This should facilitate a successful transition and continuity, in the absence of the original business owners, with effective knowledge transfer.  

Business Exit: Quality Management System Benefits

  1. Value Proposition
    Helping to enhance processes, increase efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.  Key factors that may pique the interest of potential buyers or investors.

  2. Risk Mitigation 
    Helping to identify and mitigate operational, quality and compliance risks that may impact the business reputation, legal position, or financial performance. Instilling confidence and providing assurance to potential buyers.

  3. Credibility
    Achieving ISO 9001 certification can increase business credibility with customers, suppliers and other interested parties. Increasing the attraction of potential buyers or investors who are looking for a reliable business investment.

Implementing a QMS as part of a business exit strategy can help build a strong foundation for future growth, by establishing sustainable best practices and a culture of continuous improvement.  Enhancing the appeal to potential buyers or investors based on the long-term growth potential.  Incorporating many handy tips and tools that can be introduced simply, quickly and fairly inexpensively. Benefiting from the collective knowledge and business best practice expertise, from various industries and countries, as encapsulated in the extensively researched and continually improved, international QMS standard ISO 9001.

If you’re interested in knowing more about Quality Management Systems & ISO 9001, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or   Tallentire Consultancy Ltd

Alternatively, A Simple Guide to QMS & ISO 9001 On-Demand Training Video Course is available, providing a straightforward & practical approach to understanding & implementing a QMS to ISO 9001 standards. Benefitting from expertise to accelerate the implementation process & avoid some common pitfalls. Click here for more information.

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire