Workflows Heighten Awareness & Accelerate Learning

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When user engagement is considered as part of a workflow design, they can heighten awareness and accelerate learning. Workflows can be used to support a process approach to managing system and process change, by helping to:

- clarify roles, responsibilities and agreed ways of working
- identify opportunities for improvement
- manage risks

Key principles of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS).

For us, illustrating high-level processes as workflows/flowcharts is an ideal starting point for all types of projects. Beneficial when developing new systems and processes, by reflecting current ways of working (‘As Is’) and future activities (‘To Be’). Also, supporting effective change management, with stakeholder engagement, communication and training. 

Designed with users in mind, workflows can be engaging, user-friendly and a helpful reference. Effectively communicating processes by displaying a sequence of activities, dependencies and people involved. They can be created fairly simply and easily using familiar Microsoft Office tools, or specific applications. 

In general use, referencing workflows can make it easier to see and address business risks and opportunities, nagging problems and convoluted processes. They can also complement training programmes and raise business awareness in new starter inductions or be a valuable resource to those who are not as close to the detail on a day-to-day basis. 

Visual representations of processes can be very impactful. Distilling information clearly & concisely, in a digestible manner, so that the information can be more easily understood and retained. Reflecting on a recent post THE POWER OF IMAGES, FRAMEWORKS & TEMPLATES, our mind inherently processes information visually. Illustrations not only guide and enhance comprehension, they can also help information resonate and influence our actions.



Feel free to send a DM if you have any questions, to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy LtdAlternatively, click here to request to join either our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group or QMS & ISO 9001 Facebook Group

Alternatively, find out how we can add value to your organisation, such as taking a straightforward and practical approach to help you understand and implement a QMS to the ISO 9001 standard. 

Support Options (including proven Project Plan and Document Templates):

1. Traditional one-to-one business coaching.

Available as a combination of on-site and online meetings. 


2. An on-demand video training course: A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001. 

Modelled on the tried and tested one-to-one business coaching sessions, with the benefit of flexible, convenient, self-paced learning, plus, optional weekly coaching calls. Comprising of six modules structured around the ten ISO 9001 clauses, the course includes 46 bite-sized sessions designed to support your implementation journey.


Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire