Th E-Myth & Quality Management Systems

Th E-Myth & Quality Management Systems's Image

Happy New Year! 

When planning for 2024, it was helpful (and enjoyable) reflecting back on successes, opportunities and new goals, from both a business perspective and personally. We're excited about our plans for the year ahead and hope you are too. It’s sure to be challenging at times, but rewarding, with fulfilment gained through business success, personal development and growth.  

A well-thumbed business book that has featured throughout the years is The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It, by Micheal E Gerber. We instantly saw the connection with a Quality Management System (QMS) approach. It’s likely that’s why we love this book. It’s engaging and resonates with our corporate career and Tallentire Consultancy experience, as well as our passion for simple, clear and effective ways of working. The E-Myth effectively incorporates the QMS principles, which we see as the core foundations for operational success, which is also reinforced by the globally recognised, ISO 9001 QMS standard. 

A key insight from the book is the emphasis on the operational design, where 'THE SYSTEM RUNS THE BUSINESS AND THE PEOPLE RUN THE SYSTEM!' Having led numerous large teams in the corporate world, with strict governance and service level agreements, this resonated, as we couldn’t do everything ourselves to the high standards required. We were dependant on others doing work ‘willingly and well’. It was necessary to trust and empower teams, establishing a framework to succeed. Together we created ‘a system to run our department’, our part of the business. Providing clear roles and responsibilities, with documented processes/workflows and work instructions. Creating consistent repeatable processes, to deliver a consistent quality output. Agreeing on ‘One Best Way’ that everyone followed. 

From a marketing perspective we also appreciate the marketing value gained from a consistent high-quality output, due to the positive impact on the customer experience. Potentially influencing ongoing customer retention, expanding services and turning customers into brand advocates – spreading the word for free!

Have you read the E-Myth and are happy to share your thoughts?


Feel free to send a DM if you have any questions, to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy LtdAlternatively, click here to request to join either our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group or QMS & ISO 9001 Facebook Group

Alternatively, find out how we can add value to your organisation, such as adopting a straightforward and practical approach to understanding and implementing a QMS to the ISO 9001 standard. 

Support Options  (Including: Project Plan & Document Templates):

1. Traditional one-to-one business coaching

   and / or

2. An on-demand video training course: A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001. Offering flexible, convenient, self-paced learning, plus, optional weekly coaching calls. 







Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire