Quality & Environmental Management System - Implementation Overview (Boardtek Ltd)

Quality & Environmental Management System - Implementation Overview (Boardtek Ltd)'s Image


Boardtek Ltd, based in West Yorkshire (boardtek.co.uk). Manufacturers and suppliers of wood-based sheet material.


  • Establish an integrated Quality and Environmental Management System that enhances Boardtek’s focus on both quality and the environment.
  • Achieve ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 UKAS certification within six months, to meet increasing quality and environmental expectations of customers.

Process Overview:

  1. Team engagement
  2. Clarified ways of working
  3. Processes refined
  4. Documents created
  5. Team awareness & training
  6. Control measures introduced
  7. Management system actioned


Boardtek successfully achieved ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certification within four months, exceeding their challenging six-month target.

Although at Tallentire Consultancy Ltd we strive to simplify the implementation process and make it as effective as possible, having strong foundations and an enthusiastic, engaged team, as at Boardtek, helped to achieve certification in record time. Taking only four months from the team overview, to success, with a UKAS certified Quality & Environmental Management System. A remarkable team effort.

Thanks to John Middlemiss, Paul Thompson, Joanne Shea, Emily Riley, John Caden, Phil Crossan & ISOQAR for their support in achieving this. Thank you also Jo Munns for your initial referral.


If you would like to know more about ISO 9001 & 14001 Management Systems, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy Ltd.  Alternatively, click here to request to join either our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group or QMS & ISO 9001 Facebook Group

A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001 On-Demand Video Training Course is also available (including Project Plan, Document Templates and Weekly Group Coaching Calls), providing a straightforward and practical approach to understanding and implementing a QMS to ISO 9001 standards. Benefitting from expertise to accelerate the implementation process and avoid some common pitfalls.

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire