Optimise Success With Appropriate Resources

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For a business to operate successfully with high-performing teams, it is essential to provide the appropriate resources. In the context of a Quality Management System, these resources include people, infrastructure, work environment and organisational knowledge.

Identifying, allocating and efficiently managing resources is essential for business success. These resources play a pivotal role in enabling organisations to consistently meet customer expectations, achieve commercial and quality objectives and comply with legal requirements.


Having the appropriate number of people in a business, at all levels, is crucial for delivering quality products and services and meeting customer needs. People displaying appropriate behaviours and with the necessary competence, skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively. 


Infrastructure encompasses both physical and technological assets. For example, physical facilities for production and office space, equipment such as machinery, tools and computers, IT and communication systems, also transport, such as company vehicles.


The environment and working conditions in which employees operate extends to the consideration of the social, psychological and physical needs of individuals. Including factors such as workspace layout, ergonomics, cleanliness, safety measures and any other environmental aspects that may affect quality or the well-being of the team. 


This represents the knowledge, expertise and skills to operate effectively and achieve the business goals, solve problems, make decisions and innovate. Encompassing both explicit knowledge (documented and trained information) and tacit knowledge (personal insights and experiences held by individuals).

To get the best results, you need the right People, Infrastructure, Environment and Knowledge for the job! 

Remember to ensure resources remain fit for purpose by regularly monitoring them, measuring and acting (as necessary). 


If you would like to know more, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy Ltd

Alternatively, support is available in the context of a Quality Management System (QMS) approach, where this topic feature. You can request to join either our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group or QMS & ISO 9001 Facebook Group


QMS SUPPORT OPTIONS (including proven Project Plan & Document Templates):

1. Traditional one-to-one business coaching.

Available as a combination of on-site and/or online meetings. 


2. An on-demand video training course: A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001. 

Modelled on the tried & tested one-to-one business coaching sessions, with the benefit of flexible, convenient, self-paced learning, plus, optional weekly coaching calls. Comprising of six modules structured around the ten ISO 9001 clauses. Including 46 bite-sized sessions designed to support your implementation journey.

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire