ISO 9001 Clause Interpretation

ISO 9001 Clause Interpretation's Image

It has been another fascinating week engaging with businesses that have an interest in ISO 9001 (Quality) & ISO 14001 (Environmental) Management Systems. One company mentioned they had attended ISO 9001 training (delivered by a credible Certification Body), but they felt “… interpreting the clauses for our business still causes us some confusion from time to time!” 
They confirmed “We are really just looking for someone who can help us with everything in Layman’s terms …” 

I can personally relate to this point, as I recall when initially attending ISO training myself, I expected the course and the standard to provide more specific guidance, outlining exact procedures like "you must do this, in this manner, following this specific format..." 

ISO 9001 provides a framework for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS), but it does not prescribe specific methods, tools, or processes for achieving compliance. Instead, it outlines requirements that organisations should meet to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

On reflection, I acknowledged the flexibility in its application is clearly beneficial, however, it can be a frustration when a course is focused on the details of the standard, rather than the practical implementation.

This is quite topical as a member of our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn group recently enquired about recommended training institutes, for which I had to provide a similar response.

My corporate background involved the leadership of operational teams and managing business change, an aspect of which was the development of technical training programmes. Evidently, my passion for clarifying ways of working has influenced our Tallentire Consultancy practice with the creation of A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001. It is an on-demand video training course, that is modelled on tried and tested one-to-one business coaching sessions. It includes a project plan and document templates, as well as weekly coaching calls, all designed to support the ISO 9001 implementation journey. I guess I have packaged everything I wished had been included in the initial (and subsequent) ISO courses I have attended.

Whether it is one-to-one business coaching, or A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001 online training, for me it’s all about offering a practical, straightforward approach (in layman’s terms) to make ISO 9001 (& 14001) management systems achievable & beneficial. Also, hopefully an enjoyable experience along the way!


If you would like to know more, feel free to send a LinkedIn DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy Ltd.

Alternatively, request to join our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group.

QMS SUPPORT OPTIONS (including proven Project Plan & Document Templates):

1. An on-demand video training course: A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001.

Modelled on tried & tested one-to-one business coaching sessions, with the benefit of flexible, convenient, self-paced learning, plus, optional weekly coaching calls. Consisting of six modules structured around the ten ISO 9001 clauses. Including bite-sized sessions designed to support your implementation journey.


2. One-to-one business coaching.

Available as a combination of on-site and/or online meetings. 


#iso9001 #QMS #QualityManagementSystems #ISOTraining

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire