Dispelling Some Quality Management System (QMS) & ISO 9001 Myths

Dispelling Some Quality Management System (QMS) & ISO 9001 Myths's Image

1. Only For Large Companies & Manufacturers

An ISO 9001 QMS approach can be implemented by companies of any size and industry.  It provides a universal approach for quality management with key principles that establish the core foundations for delivering quality products and services that consistently meet customer expectations.

2. Complex & Time-Consuming Administration

Implementing an ISO 9001 QMS does take some time and effort, however, it does not have to be excessive if well planned and following a clear and effective process.  Similarly, the creation and administration of the QMS does not have to be complicated.  Tools and techniques are encouraged to promote best practice.  They can be quite simple but very beneficial and improve efficiency.  The standard is designed to be flexible and tailored to business needs.  Provided some key requirements are incorporated, the rest can be flexed and scaled appropriately.     

3. Too Expensive

An ISO 9001 QMS approach can be introduced at minimal cost with just the time and effort of your team.  You can reap many of the benefits without the need for certification.  Alternatively, if this is the aspiration, there is an external certification cost that depends on the size and complexity of the business, however, it is not necessarily too costly.  The benefits of an ISO 9001 QMS will often outweigh the investment e.g. reduced issues and costs, improved efficiency and productivity, also increased customer satisfaction.


If you are intrigued as to the steps involved in implementing a Quality Management System, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or   Tallentire Consultancy Ltd

Alternatively, A Simple Guide to QMS & ISO 9001 On-Demand Training Video Course is available, providing a straightforward & practical approach to understanding & implementing a QMS to ISO 9001 standards. Benefitting from expertise to accelerate the implementation process & avoid some common pitfalls. Click here for more information.

#ISO9001 #QMS #ContinuousImprovement

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire