Clarify Roles & Responsibilities

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An essential requirement of performing teams, is the need for the team of individuals to be clear on expectations and how their role fits into the wider context of the business.

There are simple and effective ways to achieve this, however, the value of these actions appears to be overlooked in many instances, outside of the corporate environment. For example:

1. Organisation Charts

An Organisation Chart provides a visual representation of a company's structure, helping to define roles and responsibilities, also communicate the team support network and escalation route. It can be presented in a manner that can be easily understood and communicated to employees and other interested parties.

2. Job Descriptions 

To complement Organisation Charts, Job Descriptions add the detail around each position. An aid in recruitment (to attract suitable candidates) and helping employees understand their roles (listing high-level expectations). 

3. Key Performance Indicators

At a deeper level, Key Performance Indicators (referred to as KPIs) provide further support, where expectations for performance and key deliverables are more clearly set. They can help describe ‘What a Good Job Looks Like’, drive performance and embed ways of working. 

These three activities of an Organisation Chart, Job Descriptions and KPIs combined, can clarify roles and responsibilities effectively.

If there was only one piece of advice we could give a manager or business owner, we would say introduce documented KPI’s. Having led numerous high-performing teams in the corporate world, we understood it was our responsibility as leaders to give our team every opportunity to succeed, by clarifying and agreeing expectations first. As our managers also clarified with us.

It is not as simple as “People know what is expected, they have been told many times."  Providing clarity and documented expectations through these means can contribute significantly to the success of the individual, team and business.

So, when businesses say they struggle with teams or individuals not following processes or expected ways of working, we always ask “Have you clarified your expectations with documented KPIs?” 


If you want to know more about this topic or specifically Key Performance Indicators, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or Tallentire Consultancy Ltd

Alternatively, support is available in the context of a Quality Management System (QMS) approach, where these topics feature. You can request to join either our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group or QMS & ISO 9001 Facebook Group

Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire