Alignment of Quality Management System (QMS) Principles with Change & Project Management Strategies

Alignment of Quality Management System (QMS) Principles with Change & Project Management Strategies's Image

You may notice a theme to many of the blogs where a Quality Management System (QMS) approach is at the heart of the message, acknowledging the operational benefits of the key QMS principles and where there may be a natural alignment to achieve specific goals.  Topics that commonly feature in business, also leadership and people development books/courses. 

They mentioned how a QMS approach can support organisations when Starting, Scaling or Exiting their business, also more specifically, in the development of high-performing teams. 

Adding to the list of complementary QMS benefits is the effective facilitation of Change and Project Management programmes, as there is a clear alignment in principles and objectives. 

Change and Project Management was a fundamental aspect of my corporate career (supporting business transformation projects), along with leading high-performing teams. It's this extensive experience that has made me a QMS advocate. Tried and tested, unknowingly, at the time!

Alignment of QMS Principles with Change & Project Management Strategies

The following QMS framework supports effective Change Management and Project Implementation, with complementary strategies.  It captures the core foundations for success, leading to improved performance and customer satisfaction.

  • Leadership Commitment  
    It is essential to have top-down leadership team buy-in. This is crucial for the successful implementation and sustainability of change (e.g. QMS or project) to embed it within the operation.  Leaders play a key role in change management, helping to influence others and overcome natural resistance to change. 
  • People Engagement 
    Including Stakeholder Management of all interested parties. Critical across all levels of the business, to achieve the objectives and drive continuous improvements. Individuals need to be motivated and empowered to embrace the change and succeed. 
  • Customer Focus 
    Ensuring a clear understanding of requirements, to successfully meet expectations. Assessing customer satisfaction and gaining insight into areas for improvement that can enhance the customer experience, to drive engagement and loyalty. 
  • Process Approach 
    Understanding and management of the processes involved. Clarifying ways of working (e.g. training and documentation), mitigating risks and identifying opportunities for improvement.
  • Evidence Based Decision Making 
    Recognising the importance of making informed decisions, based on gathering and analysing reliable data and information. Using facts and evidence!
  • Relationship Management 
    Building and managing relationships with relevant, interested parties. Ensuring effective communication and collaboration.  A necessity for operating successfully and achieving objectives.
  • Continuous Improvement
    Achieved by setting objectives, measuring performance, analysing results and implementing actions for ongoing improvements. Adopting a Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA Cycle) approach.  Capturing lessons learned along the way!


If you you like to know more about QMS & ISO 9001, feel free to send a DM to: Aniela Tallentire   or  Tallentire Consultancy Ltd

Alternatively, click here to request to join our QMS & ISO 9001 LinkedIn Group.

Also, A SIMPLE GUIDE TO QMS & ISO 9001 On-Demand Video Training Course is available (including Project Plan, Document Templates and Weekly Group Coaching Calls), providing a straightforward and practical approach to understanding and implementing a QMS to ISO 9001 standards. Benefitting from expertise to accelerate the implementation process and avoid some common pitfalls.


Tallentire Consultancy Profile ImageAniela Tallentire